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4 Popular Small Breed Dogs with Great Attitudes

There are a number of reasons why a potential dog owner may prefer a smaller breed of dog, from limited living space to cuddle capacity. Small dog breeds are often referred to as a cross between a cat and a dog, combining the size of a cat with the attitude of a dog. The small size of these breeds does not by any means translate into small personalities or attitude. The majority of small dogs actually have big personalities, proving that size is little more than a number on the scale.

See also: Popular Large Breeds that Make Great Family Members

1. Maltese
Maltese Puppy Taking Bath
Maltese Puppy Taking Bath

The stylish Maltese enjoys plenty of human contact — not to say that it is over-the-top needy, but it does love attention. Characterized by its gorgeous white coat, the breed has a lot to offer in the realm of appearance. The friendly Maltese gets along well with all types of animals, including cats, and is often referred to as a hypoallergenic breed because it does not shed as much hair as other types. However, the breed is not recommended for anyone who is not home often.




2. Boston Terrier
Boston Terrier Playing
Boston Terrier Playing

Known for loving anything that can be chewed, the Boston Terrier requires quite the collection of chew toys. With a low maintenance coat and love of children, this breed is a dream come true, as long as the owner is able to control the dog’s urge to wreak havoc on household items. These dogs need a lot of attention and exercise, especially as pups, so keep this in mind if considering a Boston Terrier.



3. Pug
Pug Acting Tough
Pug Acting Tough

The Pug, with its small legs and wrinkled face, is rarely stubborn and loves companionship. It is known for its rare facial features, including excess skin and the style of its muzzle. One downfall to this small breed is that this unique muzzle often causes it to wheeze and snore, which can be noisy. Pugs are great companions who are very loyal to their human family, often acting as though they were a much larger breed of dog.



4. Chihuahua
Chihuahua Pups Posing
Chihuahua Pups Posing

Then of course, there is the Chihuahua, a breed whose popularity runs further than the average home. In recent years, the Chihuahua has transformed into a television icon, and is frequently seen on the covers of tabloids in the arms (or luxury dog carriers) of celebrities. This breed is not considered a family dog due to its tendency to nip at children, but given time and proper socialization, the loyal Chihuahua will be very affectionate to its human companions.

More Popular Small Breeds

Other small dog breeds include the Miniature Schnauzer, Shih Tzu, Miniature Poodle, Dachshund, Yorkshire Terrier and many more. A small dog breed allows an owner with less space and a preference for smaller animals to enjoy the big personality of a larger breed.

Image license:
Maltese: Creative Commons (view source)
Boston Terrier: Creative Commons (view source)
Pug: Creative Commons (view source)
Chihuahuas: Creative Commons (view source)