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The Top 5 Reasons to Spay or Neuter Your Pet


February is Spay/Neuter Awareness Month, just in time to take action before breeding season. Let’s look at some of the many reasons to spay or neuter your pet.


  1. Spaying and neutering decreases pet overpopulation. Millions of cats and dogs of all ages and breeds are euthanized in shelters. Many more suffer or die as strays.  Spaying or neutering helps you be part of the solution!
  2.  Male pets will roam looking to find a mate. This instinct can cause them to escape, risking injury, exposure and even death. Neutering can prevent this impulse. It also reduces aggression and limits marking behavior. This means more trip to doggy caycare at Scottsdale Pet Hotel and trips to the park with friends. Besides helping to prevent pet overpopulation, neutering also helps prevent testicular cancer, which is a major health problem in unneutered males.
  3. Female dogs will have longer, healthier lives. Spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast cancer, both of which can be fatal in dogs, but is even more dangerous for cats.  An average cat can produce three litters per year with an average litter size of six meaning one cat has 24 kittens in a year. Female cats can go into heat for five days every three weeks during breeding season. This can cause behavioral changes, such as urinating around the house and yowling looking for a mate. Spaying your pet before they go into their first heat provides the best protection for all of these issues.

4. Spaying or neutering is much less expensive than the cost of caring for a litter or a the ijuries that occur when they get out looking for a mate. There are many low cost and even free spay/neuter faciliites. Check with your local shelter to find out more.

5. Spaying or neutering will not make your pet fat. Overfeeding and lack of exercise will cause obesity, not spaying or neutering. As long as your are diligent about exercise and approriate feeding, your be will be fit and trim.