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Dog Daycare: Why Socialization Is So Important For Dogs

Dogs are sensitive creatures, just like humans. They of course require daily love and care, but what about daily socialization? Back in the day, before the domestication of dogs, they were pack animals. They played, hunted, ate and slept as a group. Naturally, dogs are social animals.

Physical Health and Well-Being Dog Daycare TempeWith that, dogs are in need of a certain amount of socialization – if not every day, at least every week. This is why Dog Daycare has become so popular among dog owners. At Dog Daycare, your dog has the opportunity to interact with other dogs as much or as little as he or she would like. Just like that of pack life, they will play, eat and nap together.

Here are just a few more reasons why socialization is so important for dogs:

Physical Health and Well-Being

Dogs spend their first few weeks after birth, growing up around their puppy brothers and sisters. They learn from them, (and their mother) and rely on them. Once a puppy is separated from its original family, he or she will often become anxious and overwhelmed. Pups are not used to operating on their own, and without the security blanket that is their birth family.

Daycare allows dogs to go back to that stage in their life, and as frequently as you allow. On a weekly or daily basis, dogs re-visit friends, and it can physically improve their overall health and longevity. Anxiety levels lower, and serotonin levels can skyrocket for your dog. Most dog daycare facilities also have an outdoor area for play. The sunshine increases vitamin D levels and allows your dog’s body temperature to regulate to that of the natural ‘outdoors’. Not to mention that fresh air that can put a smile on any animal OR human’s face –

Dogs Require Daily Exercise

It’s not uncommonly known that every dog needs daily exercise. Most owners will take their pets on a walk before work and once after work as well. Believe it or not, this just isn’t enough – especially for medium to larger breeds.

Dog Daycare Tempe, AZ - Dogs Require Daily Exercise

The average dog needs to raise their heart rate up to six times per day – SIX – can you believe it? As natural hunters, this is not a difficult number for dogs to reach in the wild. At dog daycare your dog will have several play times, and often several personal interaction (lap times) times scheduled. Your pup will have the opportunity to play ball, run around, interact with other dogs, run, jump, you name it!

When you pick your dog up, you can expect to see a well-exercise, happy family member. The more often this socialization mixed with exercise occurs, the better. Check with your local Dog Daycare Facility to see about daycare package sessions. This can reduce costs and increase the number of times your pup has the opportunity for socialization time.

Tempe Arizona Dog Daycare:  Looking for a dog daycare facility that serves Tempe, Arizona, Scottsdale, Arizona and surrounding areas? Look no further than Scottsdale Pet Hotel to offer your pup some quality socialization time away from home. For more info or to book a daycare stay, visit: