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Cat Behaviors Explained: What You Didn’t Know About Your Cat

Cats are funny creatures. Independent, knowledgeable and very instinctual, cats have some regular behaviors you may notice from day to day. What if you really understood what those behaviors were all about? Well, it’s time to crack the case – here are some cat behaviors explained:

The Crazy Cat Run

Have you ever been sitting in the living room and your cat begins to dash back and forth across the space at an insane speed? Your cat may do this for about a minute or so, then seems to go about his or her day. This is the need to release energy. As dogs need to be walked, more and more humans are starting to walk their cats as well. Cats need regular exercise. If you’re not feeling like walking your cat is for you, trying playing with him or her on a regular basis. Expending energy not only keeps your cat from performing the crazy cat run, but is also good for his/her health.

Cat-BehaviorsThe Rub

Everyone knows that cats are known for getting under foot and prancing back and forth in front of you, while rubbing on your legs. But why do cats do this? Cats rub up against humans that they have pride for. They are deeming you ‘their human’, and they want the world to know it. Your cat is releasing pheromones and placing their scent on your clothing or leg to stake claim. Don’t worry – it’s a compliment.

Nail Biting

Kitties get anxious just like humans. Also, just like humans, cats bite their nails. It is actually a habit for cats, so if you interrupt them regularly upon biting, it may be the case that the habit is broken over time.

Chitter Chatter

Have you noticed your cat making a strange chatter noise with their teeth and mouth? It’s slight and often quiet, but those with a quiet household will notice it. So, what’s the chatter all about? It’s the equivalent of a child whining…. “But mommmmmmmmmmmm”. When a cat doesn’t get what he or she wants, the chatter is a sign of frustration – much like that of a whine in human-speak.

Kneading Their Paws

So, you’re watching television and your cat suddenly comes up to you and begins kneading their tiny paws on your stomach, arm, leg or back. What’s it all about? Cats are taught this kneading behavior by their mothers as a way to receive milk. Your cat will likely not receive any milk from your arm, but he or she is naturally expressing their feeling of family. You are loved and are seen as a parental figure to him or her.